Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine | Integrative Medicine Specialists
Dr. Sandra Canzone | Dr. David Canzone | Dr. Christina Claude

Sandra Canzone, DOM
Sandra has an extensive background in integrative medicine. She began her studies and practice over 32 years ago and has been both a teacher and a practitioner. Sandra utilizes theories and techniques from Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Herbs and Nutritional Counseling. She has spent the greater part of her adult life studying Ayurvedic Medicine and incorporates this knowledge into all aspects of her work. Sandra’s practice today focuses on the treatment of Chronic Illness and the side effects from conventional Cancer treatments. As part of her ongoing work with sound and healing Sandra has participated in recording a CD that contains Sanskrit Mantras for health. She is the Co-founder of the Peregrine Institute of Oncology Massage.

David Canzone, DOM
David has practiced Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in Santa Fe for over 20 years. His areas of expertise are the assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and general pain complaints. David has advanced orthopedic training for the evaluation and treatment of pain related to chronic conditions and acute injuries including sports related injuries, auto injuries and post-surgical trauma. David has studied and practiced Neuroacupuncture for over 10 years. He utilizes Acupuncture, Asian Herbs, vitamins and nutritional supplements to enhance a persons recovery and health. He is the Chair of the Board of Commissioners of the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. He received the award, "Acupuncturist of the Year" in 2000 from the American Association for Oriental Medicine.

Christina Claude, DOM, LMT
Christina graduated from University of Maryland, College Park, in 1988 with a BS in Biology. While working for the National Park Service in 1989, she developed an interest in ethno-botanical medicine and continued to pursue studying herbal medicine. She also discovered and fell in love with massage therapy after dealing with many years of chronic back pain from a number of injuries and a serious motor vehicle accident. She then decided to study massage at the New Mexico Academy of Healing Arts in Santa Fe, NM, and graduated in 1992.
A fascination with martial arts and energy work led her to continue her studies of acupuncture and Oriental medicine at Southwest Acupuncture College in Santa Fe, NM, and she graduated in 1997. Part of this program included studying in Bejing, China. She has done further studies in Therapeutic Massage, Functional Medicine, Nutrition, Wholistic Kinesiology, trigger point injections, nutritional supplements, cold laser and pulsed electromagnetic frequency treatments (BEMER).
Christina is an enthusiastic lifelong student and teacher of holistic medicine who is committed to optimizing the health and wellbeing of her clients.